Denny's Duffles

This idea started when DSW offered free duffle bags and we had over 50 people order a bag to donate. When our partnership with Forever Families, a local foster and adoption agency, started in 2023 we knew this was the perfect opportunity to use our duffle bags. And so, Denny’s Duffles was born! As a new child comes into care we personalize each bag with the items the child needs the most, while taking their personal preferences into account. We like to include clothes, personal care items, a comfort item and a toy for each child. Forever Families has given us a small space to use so we can stock up on some of our most needed items. We are thankful for this partnership and how much good we can D.O. for these children! Forever Families will be expanding our storage space, which will allow us the opportunity to take advantage of sales and have more stock on hand. These cases come in quickly and we like to get the bags to the families as soon as possible. With proper funding we would be able to expand our outreach to also serve families facing crisis such as natural disasters, loss in the family or other hardships. 


Send donations labeled Denny's Duffles to-

Venmo- @doitfordenny


If you prefer to write a check please make it out to D.O. it for Denny and send to- 37637 Five Mile Rd #107 Livonia, MI 48154


If you are interested in being a shopper for Denny's Duffles please send email to!